Saturday, March 23, 2013

a tired mama....

Life is crazy busy; 2 school aged kids, a toddler, working, managing the house (shopping, cleaning, bills, cooking etc....the list goes on), nanny problems.....where to begin.

our nanny was simply not working out. she seemed to add way more stress to my life. i know several people who tell me how wonderful their life is with their nanny. i simply could not relate. she was unreliable, difficult to communicate with, unmotivated and finally just simply did not show up one day for work. i was beyond stressed that day as i had a presentation to get to and as i was driving in tears, realizing this is not working out. so, bye bye.

our sweet kai is so, so busy. such a toddler (as you will see below). you need to watch him all day long and stop him from basically committing suicide!  on top of the busyness in the day he has decided to wake up at about 1 and 4 am and stand in his bed screaming. i go in and nurse him, this usually soothes him but occassionally does not and we are at it again. any suggestions at this point are appreciated (and not the, close the door and see you in the morning kind :-) ). i am one tired mama.

these are the things i am doing for myself.
supplements: i take ashwaganda (i love this herb!) and an adrenal complex that has licorice in it to support my ever deflating adrenal glands. a mutli, b-complex, vitamin D (how i hope spring comes soon), and ocassionally an iron.

i now see an osteopath, as i have chronic pain in my right hip from carrying the wee one (and birthing 3 babies).  if you know my other 2 as babies, you know they were small, they fit nicely in my arms. this baby, is a giant. not sure how, but he is. the osteopath is marc, and he works at my friend's clinic. he is so calm and peaceful and i'm not too sure what he does, but i trust he knows what he is doing and it gives me about an hour every few weeks to relax and have a nap. i'll keep you posted on the results.

lastly, i started doing Oprah's and Deepak Chopra's 21 day meditation. I am not a follower of either, but this is really easy. they send you a daily meditation and you listen to it. it brings some quiet into my otherwise busy and hectic life.
so, that's it for now.....
 playing with an egg cup
 trying to lift a very heavy marble rolling pin
 the discovery of a whisk
what fun!


  1. This was a very timely post for me - I was going to email you :) I feel similar and I am going to try some of your tips. I need to come see you

  2. Oh Rachel I'm so sorry to hear that your nanny did'nt work out and that little Kai isn't sleeping very well.
    I know that you may not dig this suggestion, but when Alwynne was 10 months old we used a sleep Doula to help us to get her to sleep through the night. It is sleep training but you don't just shut the door and leave them crying on their own. You stay in the room and support them through it. She also comes up with a plan to fit your and baby's needs. If you are interested let me know and I will give you her contact.

  3. Super tough! So hard to decide what is a 'phase' we just need to ride-out and what's a problem we need to fix.....sounds like you're doing everything right! Meditation has been saving my ass this month. I feel like 'So THIS is what all the hype has been about!!!!' It's a freakin miracle. It can turn most days around......hopefully, your days turn around soon!!!

    1. we will have lots to chat about when we visit. xox

  4. thanks y'all. i take things daily. but am feeling some burnout. bella did not sleep thru the mnight til' she was two but i could handle it then (i was younger) (jill-don't wait too long for your third :-) ) i will keep you posted erika. yes, stacye let's get together, how about a playdate in markham?? i could come out one morning with B and the babe??
