Monday, March 10, 2014


I have been using this herb this winter to help dry up mucus and wow is it good!
Salvia officinalis; the common sage, is a well known kitchen herb. It's natural habitat is the northern shores of the Mediterranean. It is a hardy plant and though a perennial, does not last above 3-4 years without degenerating, so you should replant it every 3-4 years.
The active constituents are; a yellow-green volatile oil, tannins and resins. These are present in the leaves and are actually much higher in quantity in the dried herb than fresh, which is good to hear as this is what most of us have in the kitchen!

So what's sage good for?
It is great for drying things up. ie. gross snotty runny noses. like this one.
and goopy eyes and congested coughs, as well as dry up hot flashes. However, it is not to be used by nursing moms as it will dry milk up aswell. 
It is also great for digestion ie. upset stomachs and improves brain function due to its anti-oxidant properties. 
It tastes good steeped as a tea, especially sweetened with a little organic honey. 
No complaints by this little one (except for the runny nose!)

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