Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Declutter. A hobby?

I love to de-clutter. I think it is one my hobbies. Can that be a hobby? I collect nothing, I purge (nearly) everything.  It is hard with kids. Which paintings and drawings to keep and which ones to pitch?  Maybe they will be a Picasso one day and I would have thrown their masterpieces to the trash.  I'll take my chances.  And the toys, the stuffies. So much stuff!  Here ia a link to Zen Habits and how to simplify your life.  I attempt to do point 3.
I took a Feng Shui course many years ago and we discussed the importance of allowing the energy (or Qi) to flow smoothly in your house. Spring is a great time to release the winter hibernating energy and you can start by de-cluttering. In Chinese medicine the Liver is in charge of the smooth flow of Qi and when things build up or collect, energy stagnates. No one does well with stagnation
I was reading the new Oprah magazine (I had it as it got left behind in my house :-) ) and there was an article with very interesting facts.
  • more than 4 million pairs of eyeglasses are trashed annually
  • 22.3 billion pounds of textiles were thrown away in 2010
  • 38,000 miles of ribbon is tossed out every year (enough to tie a bow aroud the earth! see my simple wrappings are truly environmental!!)
  • each year 350 million pairs of shoes march into the landfill
  • 15.8 million tons of reading material and other paper products (magazines) were trashed in 2010
  • over 10 million bikes are dumped in American and European landfills yearly
Before throwing away items to the garbage, donate, donate donate!! 

Here are some inspiring photos!
