Friday, September 13, 2013

this week's kitchen creations.

 roasted cauliflower (a member of the brassica family, with its strong anti-cancer properties)
coriander (oh how i love this herb)
 aidan woke me up at 4:30 am with a sore throat. in classic aidan fashion it was intense. I gave him hepar sulph and within 5 min, he was back asleep (the classic picture in this remedy is the great sensitivity to all impressions). i also, yes, at 4:30 am, made a honey garlic cough syrup so it would be ready in the morning. i used one of my garlic cloves and topped with unpasteurized honey.

side note this is an email i got from a mom i know that had a terrible cold and i helped her out with a remedy.
"I feel so MUCH better!!! This stuff is awesome, it works great!!
Thanks so much."
what can i say, when homeopathy works, it's awesome!
 this lovely lady in my herb course gave me some kefir grains. i am attempting to make it. it is actually quite easy, but looks rather unpalatable. if anyone consumes this your input would be greatly appreciated! it's supposed to be wonderful for digestion as it is rich in probiotics. here it is fermenting.
lastly, we made pesto in this week's herb course with john redden of viriditas. 
3 cloves garlic
1/2 cup pine nuts
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup butter (this was different to me)
1 tsp salt
food process
then add
1 cup parsley
4 cups basil
food process
done and delicious!
i made about 30; 500 ml jars. i'm an expert. 
we each got to take one home. yum yum!

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