Friday, November 22, 2013

a food sensitivity test.

since august bella has been getting these wicked stomach aches about once a week. then she poops and all is better. i really don't think it is from constipation. she goes daily. it's quick and easy. i have been thinking there is something more. i decided to do an IgG food sensitivity test to see if there is anything she could be reacting too. this is not an anaphylactic allergy test (that is an IgE test), this, rather shows a delayed reaction to a specific food 24-48 hours after it is consumed. it can result in numerous symptoms such as; digestive complaints, headaches, congestion, and joint pain.

so here are a few pages from her test. 
 dairy panel- no issues. see how all the bars are in the 0 range. can't get much better than that!
 ouch. eggs. anything in the IV or higher category you want to avoid completely.
bye bye scrambled eggs, french toast and the most beloved of breads, challah.
 grain/gluten products and nuts; safe
I have taken her off most gluten and dairy over the last few weeks and she has not had a stomach ache but that being said she also has not had any eggs. i'm going to put the dairy and wheat back in and keep her off the eggs for awhile and see how it goes.

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