Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cabbage Foot and More....

It's been a busy and tiring few weeks around here. To sum it up....Ewan developed bursitis in his knee from kneeling too long on one job at work, which developed into a Strep A infection, which led to IV antibiotics that was not working fast enough and the whole ordeal ended in surgery where they "washed" his leg. Gross.  As a result of the surgery he has post-operative edema in his foot that started a few days later. Joy. His knee is slowly healing but now he can't walk because of the swollen foot. After nearly a week of this saga, I started to get Naturopathically proactive. I pile a handful of pills into his mouth 3 times per day as well as these 2 other treatments.
The first is Hydrotherapy.  He simply alternates his foot from hot to cold foot baths, always ending with cold.  He does this 3 times daily and each time requires 3 cycles. It really just take 5 minutes. The point of it is to help relieve the lymphatic congestion and increase circulation to the area.  I think he was a little skeptical of it, but when he told the physiotherapist what I was doing she said it is great to continue. So now he believes me. 
The other is a cabbage poultice. Also so easy. Simply take the outer pieces of a green cabbage and wrap it around the affected area which can be held in place with saran wrap.  This reduces inflammation in the affected joint, increases local circulation, removes lymphatic congestion and can remove infected material from the body.
One thing he can do to help is hold the baby.
So all this has been keeping me busy. Not to mention, keeping up with A and B, working some, shopping, cooking, oh, and did I mention that I have a newborn. My new mantra...."This too shall pass..."
Also a quick thanks to all the wonderful people that have so thoughtfully dropped off meals and helped with the kids. You know who you are and you helped more than you know....xo


  1. WOW! That knee really tuned into an ordeal! Sorry we missed you the other weekend. We'll come to visit when this really does pass....

    1. yup....bad! let's reschedule. bella was upset not to se winnie. :-(

  2. Do you know the surprising salt foot bath benefits ? Salts are added to foot baths to make them more effective. this type of foot baths are very beneficial for our feet as well as for the whole body. Visit us to learn more.
